Messaging is typically used for messages from the server - info boxes, warnings, alerts, validation errors, etc.

Sass Mixin

@mixin messaging()



Emmet Shorthand

.accordion>div>(.header{header}+.content>{lorem ipsum})
<!-- Default -->
<div class="messaging">
        <strong>Default</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.

<div class="messaging -success">
        <strong>Success</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.

<div class="messaging -error">
        <strong>Error</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.
        <li>Error one</li>
        <li>Error two</li>

<div class="messaging -info">
        <strong>Info</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.

<div class="messaging -warning">
        <strong>Warning</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.

<!-- Filled -->
<div class="messaging -filled">
        <strong>Default</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.

<div class="messaging -filled -success">
        <strong>Success</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.

<div class="messaging -filled -error">
        <strong>Error</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.
        <li>Error one</li>
        <li>Error two</li>

<div class="messaging -filled -warning">
        <strong>Warning</strong> – Message with a <a href="">link</a>.

  • Content:
    /// For messages to the user.
    /// @character
    ///     Font awesome character to show.
    /// @color
    ///     Dominant color.
    /// @link-color
    ///     Optionally override the default link color.
    /// @link-hover-color
    ///     Optionally override the link hover color.
    @mixin messaging (
        $character: $fa-var-info-circle,
        $color: $info,
        $link-color: inherit,
        $link-hover-color: inherit
    ) {
        background-color: $gray-100;
        box-shadow: .25rem 0 0 inset;
        margin-bottom: 2rem;
        padding: 1rem 1.618rem 1rem 3.5rem;
        position: relative;
        a {
            color: $link-color;
            text-decoration: underline;
            &:hover {
                color: $link-hover-color;
        &::before {
            @include fontawesome(900, $character);
            font-size: 1.5rem;
            left: 1rem;
            position: absolute;
            top: 1rem;
        &.-success::before {
            @include fontawesome(900, $fa-var-check-circle);
        &.-info::before {
            @include fontawesome(900, $fa-var-info-circle);
        &.-warning::before {
            @include fontawesome(900, $fa-var-exclamation-circle);
        &.-error::before {
            @include fontawesome(900, $fa-var-minus-circle);
        @include color-modifiers(success warning error info) using ($color) {
            box-shadow: .25rem 0 0 $color inset;
            color: $plain-text;
            &::before {
                color: $color;
        &.-filled {
            box-shadow: none;
            @include color-modifiers(success warning error info) using ($color) {
                background-color: $color;
                color: blackwhite($color, $plain-text);
                &::before {
                    color: inherit;
  • URL: /components/raw/messaging/messaging.scss
  • Filesystem Path: resources/styles/molecules/messaging/messaging.scss
  • Size: 1.7 KB